In case you run a business that regularly delivers to customers, particularly if you sell high-end items or sell in large volumes, shipping without insurance should not be in consideration. However, the automatic insurance provided by most major carriers is typically not enough to cover larger s...
The shipping industry is going through a technology revolution. This age-old industry was hesitant to use new transportation technology until the last decade. However, now, it is undergoing an all-around modernization. Today, the shipping industry is exploring and incorporating new technology...
Rail freight is an often underrated and overlooked mode of transportation. That’s unfortunate since rail shipping is one of the most reliable, safe, and efficient types of transport. Although it isn’t always possible to carry loads from the initial to the final destination, using rai...
Declared value is one of the key features that affect shipping costs and the insurance coverage you need. Any business owner that regularly delivers packages to clients needs to understand the differences between these shipping terms in order to run a successful business operation. An...
Although many use logistics and supply chain management (SCM) interchangeably, they cover different activities. And while they share plenty of similarities, certain differences separate these two practices. Consequently, understanding logistics vs. supply chain management is essential to any bus...
Latest blogs
Should You Get Third-Party Insurance when Shipping Expensive Goods?
Mon, Jul 4th 2022, 16:42
Innovations in Shipping Technology: How the Industry Is Changing?
Fri, Jul 1st 2022, 13:42
What Is Declared Value? – and How It Differs from Shipping Insurance
Fri, Jul 1st 2022, 10:26
Logistics vs. Supply Chain Management: What Are the Differences?
Fri, Jul 1st 2022, 10:01
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