Unlike most shipping insurance companies, UNIVAL Logistics is involved in both global shipping and package insurance. We know firsthand how important it is to protect yourself, especially when sending items overseas or through multimodal means. Unfortunately, some packages are lost in transit due to insecure shipping methods.
When you run a company that delivers to customers, your reputation takes a hit when a package is lost in transit, regardless of whether it was through no fault of your own. Consequently, you should be aware of the most common reasons packages are lost, or worse, destroyed, in order to prevent it from happening.
While a package can be lost in transit for any number of reasons, the most common are:
After you report a package as lost, your carrier will begin a search, likely from the last depo where it was scanned. Because the carrier needs to go through thousands of packages and often identify them based on size and weight, the entire process can take weeks. If the package cannot be located after a set amount of time, it will be declared lost.
Some carriers operate specific warehouses where they store packages that were not delivered but are in their possession. So, not packages that were destroyed, stolen, or cannot be found for other reasons. If the carrier operates such a warehouse, finding a mislabeled package can be done much more quickly.
Packages that can not be identified do not remain in depots or warehouses indefinitelly. Depending on the carrier’s policy, they may be auctioned off, disposed of, or even shared among the staff. Each carrier has specific rules and regulations that govern what happens with unclaimed packages.
To avoid losses, it is important to obtain insurance for shipping orders, no matter how small. Shipping with insurance is the only surefire way to make sure that the order arrives safely to the right person. However, be mindful that most major carriers only offer insurance up to a limited value, which is often not enough to cover high-value goods.
Packages getting lost, stolen, or damaged is unavoidable, but the rates at which it happens are not the same across all carriers. With a truly professional logistics company, such an occurrence should be one in a million. At UNIVAL Logistics, we pride ourselves on the fact that we accompany your package everywhere, from start to finish.
We offer insurance for shipping and keep a close eye on your cargo to guarantee secure shipping. Even if the worst happens, our full-value insurance will allow you to recoup your losses and we will process your claims quickly to make sure you're paid within a reasonable amount of time.
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defaultGet premium full-value shipping insurance at affordable rates and be sure your parcels are 100% safe during transport. Work with a logistics powerhouse - get in touch with us today.
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